Feet and Inches Calculator

Feet and Inches Calculator

Input the number of feet.
Input the number of inches (0 to 11).

We created this feet and inches calculator to convert feet/inches and other units of length, or to perform arithmetic operations on measurements expressed in feet and inches.

If you need to add 5 feet 8 inches to 3 feet 11 inches, the calculator quickly determine the result as 9 feet 7 inches, saving time and reducing the risk of manual calculation errors.

Feet and Inches Conversion Chart


Feet and Inches Conversion Formula

To convert feet and inches to other units, first convert the measurement to inches:

Total Inches = (Feet x 12) + Inches

Then apply the appropriate conversion factor:

  • To Centimeters: Multiply by 2.54
  • To Meters: Multiply by 0.0254

For example, to convert 5 feet 8 inches to centimeters:

Total Inches = (5 x 12) + 8 = 68 inches

Centimeters = 68 x 2.54 = 172.72 cm

How Do You Convert Feet and Inches?

To convert feet and inches to another unit or perform arithmetic:

Convert the measurement to total inches

Perform necessary calculations or apply conversion factors

If needed, convert the result back to feet and inches

For instance, to add 4 feet 9 inches and 2 feet 5 inches:

  • Convert to inches:
    • 4’9″ = (4 x 12) + 9 = 57 inches
    • 2’5″ = (2 x 12) + 5 = 29 inches
  • Add: 57 + 29 = 86 inches
  • Convert back to feet and inches:
    • Feet = 86 ÷ 12 = 7 feet (remainder 2)
    • Inches = 2
The result is 7 feet 2 inches.

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