PSI to GPM Calculator

Enter the pressure in pounds per square inch (PSI).
Enter the internal diameter of the pipe in inches.
Enter the specific gravity of the fluid. The default is 1.0 for water.

We programmed PSI to GPM Calculator to convert Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) to Gallons per Minute (GPM). PSI measures pressure, while GPM quantifies flow rate.

PSI to GPM Conversion Chart

PSI ValueGPM ValueConversion Equation
80 psi25.6 GPMGPM = (PSI * Cv) / (SG)
40 psi14.4 GPMGPM = (PSI * Cv) / (SG)
100 psi32.0 GPMGPM = (PSI * Cv) / (SG)
50 psi18.0 GPMGPM = (PSI * Cv) / (SG)
PSI Converted toGPMHydraulic Horsepower

Can you convert PSI to gpm?

Converting PSI to GPM is not a straightforward process, as these units measure different properties (pressure and flow rate, respectively).

The conversion requires additional information, such as the size of the pipe or orifice through which the fluid is flowing.

We can use the concept of hydraulic horsepower to find the relationship between PSI and GPM.

Hydraulic horsepower is calculated using both PSI and GPM:

Hydraulic Horsepower = (PSI × GPM) ÷ 1714

For example, if we have a system operating at 3000 PSI and want to achieve 20 hydraulic horsepower, we can calculate the required GPM:

20 = (3000 × GPM) ÷ 1714

GPM = (20 × 1714) ÷ 3000

GPM ≈ 11.43

PSI to GPM Conversion Formula

The hydraulic horsepower formula to solve for GPM when PSI and horsepower are known:

GPM = (Hydraulic Horsepower × 1714) ÷ PSI

Let’s say we want to achieve 30 hydraulic horsepower at 3500 PSI:

GPM = (30 × 1714) ÷ 3500

GPM ≈ 14.69

This formula allows us to calculate the flow rate (GPM) needed to achieve a specific hydraulic horsepower at a given pressure (PSI).

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