NBA Luxury Tax Calculator

NBA Luxury Tax Calculator

Input the total team salary for the season.
Enter the NBA's luxury tax threshold for the current season.
Enter the base luxury tax rate applied for every dollar over the threshold.
Select "Yes" if the team is subject to the repeater tax (for exceeding the luxury tax in 3 of the last 4 seasons).

The NBA luxury tax calculator is a tax calculation tool used to determine the financial penalties teams face when their payroll exceeds a predetermined threshold.

Let's say the luxury tax threshold is set at $150 million. If a team's payroll reaches $160 million, they would be $10 million over the threshold and subject to luxury tax penalties.

NBA Luxury Tax Calculation Chart

Payroll AmountAmount Over ThresholdTax RateTax Amount
$150M – $154.9M$0 – $4.9M$1.50 per $1$0 – $7.35M
$155M – $159.9M$5M – $9.9M$1.75 per $1$8.75M – $17.33M
$160M – $164.9M$10M – $14.9M$2.50 per $1$25M – $37.25M
$165M – $169.9M$15M – $19.9M$3.25 per $1$48.75M – $64.68M
$170M+$20M+$3.75 per $1$75M+

NBA Luxury Tax Formula

Luxury Tax = (Team Salary - Luxury Tax Threshold) × Tax Rate

The NBA luxury tax formula is progressive, meaning the tax rate increases as a team’s payroll exceeds higher thresholds.

A team’s payroll is $165 million and the threshold is $150 million, they’re $15 million over.

Using the formula we can calculate:

  • First $5M: 5 × $1.50 = $7.5M
  • Next $5M: 5 × $1.75 = $8.75M
  • Last $5M: 5 × $2.50 = $12.5M
Total luxury tax: $7.5M + $8.75M + $12.5M = $28.75M

How is NBA Luxury Tax Calculated?

The NBA luxury tax is calculated based on the team’s total payroll at the end of the regular season.

Determine the team’s total payroll.

Compare it to the luxury tax threshold.

Calculate the amount over the threshold.

Apply the appropriate tax rate(s) to the excess amount.

The threshold is $150M and a team’s payroll is $158M:

Amount over threshold: $158M - $150M = $8M
First $5M taxed at $1.50 per $1: 5 × $1.50 = $7.5M
Remaining $3M taxed at $1.75 per $1: 3 × $1.75 = $5.25M
Total luxury tax: $7.5M + $5.25M = $12.75M

NBA Luxury Tax Threshold

The NBA luxury tax threshold is a predetermined salary cap that triggers financial penalties when exceeded. This threshold is typically set higher than the regular salary cap, allowing teams some flexibility in roster construction. The exact figure varies each season based on league revenues and is negotiated between the NBA and the Players Association.

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