Dry Yeast to Fresh Yeast Conversion Calculator

Dry Yeast to Fresh Yeast Conversion

Enter the quantity of dry yeast to convert (e.g., 10 grams).
Select the unit of the dry yeast quantity (e.g., grams).
Select the unit to convert to (e.g., teaspoons).

A dry yeast to fresh yeast calculator is a valuable tool in baking to convert between different forms of yeast, oz, grams, cups, tablespoons etc.

When a recipe requires 10g of fresh yeast but you only have dry yeast available, you can use the calculator to determine the equivalent amount. Typically, you would need about 1/3 the amount of active dry yeast or 1/4 the amount of instant dry yeast compared to fresh yeast.

Dry Yeast to Fresh Yeast Conversion Chart

Fresh Yeast (g)Active Dry Yeast (g)Instant Dry Yeast (g)Fresh Yeast (oz)Active Dry Yeast (oz)Instant Dry Yeast (oz)

Dry Yeast to Fresh Yeast Conversion Formula

The general formula for converting between fresh yeast and dry yeast is:

Fresh yeast to active dry yeast: Multiply the fresh yeast amount by 0.33

Fresh yeast to instant dry yeast: Multiply the fresh yeast amount by 0.25

Dry yeast to fresh yeast: Divide the dry yeast amount by the conversion factor (0.33 for active dry, 0.25 for instant)

Convert 30g of fresh yeast to active dry yeast

Active dry yeast amount = 30g * 0.33 = 9.9g (rounded to 10g for practical use)

How Much Dry Yeast is Equivalent to Fresh Yeast?

As a general rule:

1 part active dry yeast = 3 parts fresh yeast

1 part instant dry yeast = 4 parts fresh yeast

If a recipe calls for 20g of fresh yeast, you would use:

  • 20g / 3 ≈ 6.7g of active dry yeast, or
  • 20g / 4 = 5g of instant dry yeast

7g Dry Yeast to Fresh Yeast

To convert 7g of dry yeast to fresh yeast:

  • If it’s active dry yeast: 7g * 3 = 21g fresh yeast
  • If it’s instant dry yeast: 7g * 4 = 28g fresh yeast

25g Dry Yeast to Fresh Yeast

To convert 25g of dry yeast to fresh yeast:

  • If it’s active dry yeast: 25g * 3 = 75g fresh yeast
  • If it’s instant dry yeast: 25g * 4 = 100g fresh yeast

1 oz Fresh Yeast to Dry Yeast Conversion

1 oz ≈ 28.35g

To convert 1 oz (28.35g) of fresh yeast to dry yeast:

  • Active dry yeast: 28.35g * 0.33 ≈ 9.35g or 0.33 oz
  • Instant dry yeast: 28.35g * 0.25 ≈ 7.09g or 0.25 oz

2 oz Fresh Yeast to Dry Yeast Conversion

2 oz ≈ 56.7g

To convert 2 oz (56.7g) of fresh yeast to dry yeast:

  • Active dry yeast: 56.7g * 0.33 ≈ 18.7g or 0.66 oz
  • Instant dry yeast: 56.7g * 0.25 ≈ 14.18g or 0.5 oz

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