Round to the Nearest Cent Calculator
Round to the Nearest Cent Calculator
A round to the nearest cent calculator is used to the nearest hundredth of a dollar (or any other currency unit).
If you have a price of $19.567, rounding to the nearest cent would give you $19.57. Similarly, $19.562 would round to $19.56.
Round to the Nearest Cent Conversion Chart
Original Value | Rounded to Nearest Cent |
$19.561 | $19.56 |
$19.565 | $19.57 |
$19.570 | $19.57 |
$20.004 | $20.00 |
$20.995 | $21.00 |
$15.678 | $15.68 |
$15.675 | $15.68 |
$15.674 | $15.67 |
$22.345 | $22.35 |
$22.346 | $22.35 |
$22.347 | $22.35 |
$22.348 | $22.35 |
$22.349 | $22.35 |
$22.350 | $22.35 |
$22.351 | $22.36 |
$18.999 | $19.00 |
$18.001 | $18.00 |
$18.005 | $18.01 |
$18.555 | $18.56 |
$18.554 | $18.55 |
$25.678 | $25.68 |
$25.675 | $25.68 |
$25.670 | $25.67 |
$30.123 | $30.12 |
$30.128 | $30.13 |
$30.125 | $30.13 |
$30.124 | $30.12 |
$30.130 | $30.13 |
$30.135 | $30.14 |
$30.140 | $30.14 |
$30.145 | $30.15 |
$30.150 | $30.15 |
$30.155 | $30.16 |
$40.567 | $40.57 |
$40.564 | $40.56 |
$40.500 | $40.50 |
$40.505 | $40.51 |
$40.510 | $40.51 |
$50.999 | $51.00 |
$50.001 | $50.00 |
$50.005 | $50.01 |
$50.555 | $50.56 |
$50.554 | $50.55 |
$60.123 | $60.12 |
$60.128 | $60.13 |
$60.125 | $60.13 |
$60.124 | $60.12 |
$60.130 | $60.13 |
$60.135 | $60.14 |
$70.789 | $70.79 |
$70.785 | $70.79 |
$70.784 | $70.78 |
$70.790 | $70.79 |
$70.795 | $70.80 |
$80.456 | $80.46 |
$80.455 | $80.46 |
$80.454 | $80.45 |
$80.460 | $80.46 |
$80.465 | $80.47 |
$90.999 | $91.00 |
$90.001 | $90.00 |
$90.005 | $90.01 |
$90.555 | $90.56 |
$90.554 | $90.55 |
$100.000 | $100.00 |
$100.001 | $100.00 |
$100.005 | $100.01 |
$100.555 | $100.56 |
$100.554 | $100.55 |
Round to the Nearest Cent Formula
In mathematical notation: Rounded Value = round(x * 100) / 100
Where x is the original value and round() is a function that rounds to the nearest integer.
- Multiply the number by 100 to shift the decimal point two places to the right.
- Round this number to the nearest whole number.
- Divide the result by 100 to shift the decimal point back two places to the left.
Let’s round $3.14159 to the nearest cent:
3.14159 * 100 = 314.159
Round 314.159 to the nearest whole number: 314
314 / 100 = $3.14
How to Round to the Nearest Cent?
To round a number to the nearest cent:
Look at the digit in the thousandths place (third decimal place).
If this digit is 5 or greater, round up the hundredths digit (second decimal place) by 1.
If it’s less than 5, keep the hundredths digit the same.
Drop all digits beyond the hundredths place.
Round $7.8674 to the nearest cent.
The digit in the thousandths place is 7.
Since 7 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the hundredths digit.
$7.8674 rounds to $7.87
Round $12.3449 to the nearest cent.
The digit in the thousandths place is 4.
Since 4 is less than 5, we keep the hundredths digit the same.
$12.3449 rounds to $12.34