Round to the Nearest Dollar Calculator
Round to the Nearest Dollar Calculator
A round to the nearest dollar calculator simplifies monetary amounts by rounding them to the nearest whole dollar.
You have an expense of $24.51, a Round to the Nearest Dollar Calculator would round this to $25. An amount of $24.49 would be rounded to $24.
Round to the Nearest Dollar Conversion Chart
Original Amount | Rounded to Nearest Dollar |
$10.25 | $10 |
$15.50 | $16 |
$20.75 | $21 |
$30.49 | $30 |
$40.51 | $41 |
$50.00 | $50 |
$65.99 | $66 |
$75.01 | $75 |
$85.49 | $85 |
$95.50 | $96 |
Round to the Nearest Dollar Formula
The formula for rounding to the nearest dollar can be expressed as:
Rounded Amount = round(Amount)
Where the round()
function rounds to the nearest integer. In most programming languages and spreadsheet applications, this function follows these rules:
- The decimal part is exactly 0.5, it rounds up to the next whole number.
- The decimal part is less than 0.5, it rounds down.
- The decimal part is greater than 0.5, it rounds up.
For the amount $67.89:
- The decimal part (0.89) is greater than 0.5.
- Therefore, we round up to the next whole dollar.
Rounded Amount = round(67.89) = $68
How do I round to the nearest dollar?
To round to the nearest dollar manually, follow these steps:
- Look at the cents (the two digits after the decimal point).
- If the cents are 50 or more, round up to the next dollar.
- If the cents are less than 50, keep the dollar amount the same and drop the cents.
Let’s walk through an example with the amount $123.67:
The cents are 67.
Since 67 is greater than 50, we round up.
The rounded amount is $124.