Music Chord Calculator

Chord Calculator

Select the root note of the chord (e.g., C, D#, A).
Select the type of chord (e.g., Major, Minor, 7th).

A chord calculator in music is a tool that helps musicians determine the notes that make up a specific chord. It’s particularly useful for beginners learning music theory or for composers exploring new harmonic possibilities.

When you input “C major” into a chord calculator, it would tell you that the chord consists of the notes C, E, and G.

Music Chord Chart

Chord NameRoot NoteChord TypeNotes
C MajorCMajorC, E, G
D MinorDMinorD, F, A
G7GDominant 7thG, B, D, F
A Minor 7AMinor 7thA, C, E, G
F Major 7FMajor 7thF, A, C, E
Bm7b5BHalf-diminishedB, D, F, A

Chord Formula

Chords are built using specific intervals from the root note. The formula for a major chord is:

Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th

For a C major chord:

  • Root: C
  • Major 3rd from C: E
  • Perfect 5th from C: G

Thus, the C major chord is C-E-G.

How to calculate Chord?

To calculate a chord:

Determine the root note

Apply the chord formula based on the chord type

Identify the resulting notes

Let’s calculate an A minor chord:

Root note: A

Minor chord formula: Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th

Apply the formula:

Root: A

Minor 3rd from A: C

Perfect 5th from A: E

Therefore, the A minor chord consists of the notes A, C, and E.

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