Mulank and Bhagyank Calculator

Select your birth date to calculate Mulank and Bhagyank.

How to calculate mulank and bhagyank?

To calculate Mulank (Root Number):

  1. Add all the digits in the birth date.
  2. If the sum is a double-digit number, add those digits together.
  3. Continue this process until you get a single-digit number.

To calculate Bhagyank (Destiny Number):

  1. Assign numerical values to each letter in the full name at birth.
  2. Add all these numbers together.
  3. If the sum is a double-digit number, add those digits together.
  4. Continue this process until you get a single-digit number.

Name: John Doe Birth Date: 15/09/1985

Mulank calculation:

  1. 1 + 5 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 38
  2. 3 + 8 = 11
  3. 1 + 1 = 2

Mulank = 2

Bhagyank calculation:

  1. Assign numbers to letters: J(1) + O(6) + H(8) + N(5) + D(4) + O(6) + E(5) = 35
  2. 3 + 5 = 8

Bhagyank = 8

In this example, John Doe’s Mulank is 2 and Bhagyank is 8.

Mulank and Bhagyank are concepts from Indian numerology used to derive insights about a person’s character and life path. The calculation of these numbers involves assigning numerical values to letters in a person’s name and birth date.

Mulank and Bhagyank Calculation Chart


Mulank (Root Number) Meanings:

  1. Leadership, independence
  2. Cooperation, sensitivity
  3. Creativity, self-expression
  4. Stability, practicality
  5. Freedom, adaptability
  6. Harmony, responsibility
  7. Analysis, spirituality
  8. Authority, material success
  9. Humanitarianism, completion

Bhagyank (Destiny Number) Meanings:

  1. Individuality, pioneering
  2. Balance, diplomacy
  3. Communication, optimism
  4. Hard work, discipline
  5. Change, versatility
  6. Nurturing, responsibility
  7. Intellect, mysticism
  8. Power, abundance
  9. Compassion, artistic talents

Mulank and Bhagyank Calculation Formula

The formulas for calculating Mulank and Bhagyank are based on simple addition and reduction to a single digit:

Mulank Formula: Mulank = ((Birth Date Sum) mod 9) or 9 if the result is 0

Bhagyank Formula: Bhagyank = ((Name Number Sum) mod 9) or 9 if the result is 0

Where “mod 9” means dividing by 9 and taking the remainder.

Calculate Mulank for birth date 27/03/1992

  1. Sum: 2 + 7 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 33
  2. 3 + 3 = 6 Mulank = 6

Calculate Bhagyank for name “Sarah Jane Smith”

  1. S(1) + A(1) + R(9) + A(1) + H(8) + J(1) + A(1) + N(5) + E(5) + S(1) + M(4) + I(9) + T(2) + H(8) = 56
  2. 5 + 6 = 11
  3. 1 + 1 = 2 Bhagyank = 2

Best mulank and bhagyank combination

  1. Mulank 1 and Bhagyank 1: This combination suggests strong leadership abilities and independence. It’s considered excellent for entrepreneurs and pioneers.
  2. Mulank 5 and Bhagyank 8: This pairing combines adaptability with material success, potentially leading to prosperity through versatile approaches.
  3. Mulank 3 and Bhagyank 6: Creativity meets responsibility, indicating potential for success in arts or nurturing professions.
  4. Mulank 7 and Bhagyank 9: This spiritual and humanitarian combination is thought to be ideal for those pursuing philosophical or charitable endeavors.
  5. Mulank 4 and Bhagyank 8: Stability paired with authority can lead to success in business or management roles.

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