Mulank and Bhagyank Calculator
How to calculate mulank and bhagyank?
To calculate Mulank (Root Number):
- Add all the digits in the birth date.
- If the sum is a double-digit number, add those digits together.
- Continue this process until you get a single-digit number.
To calculate Bhagyank (Destiny Number):
- Assign numerical values to each letter in the full name at birth.
- Add all these numbers together.
- If the sum is a double-digit number, add those digits together.
- Continue this process until you get a single-digit number.
Name: John Doe Birth Date: 15/09/1985
Mulank calculation:
- 1 + 5 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 38
- 3 + 8 = 11
- 1 + 1 = 2
Mulank = 2
Bhagyank calculation:
- Assign numbers to letters: J(1) + O(6) + H(8) + N(5) + D(4) + O(6) + E(5) = 35
- 3 + 5 = 8
Bhagyank = 8
In this example, John Doe’s Mulank is 2 and Bhagyank is 8.
Mulank and Bhagyank are concepts from Indian numerology used to derive insights about a person’s character and life path. The calculation of these numbers involves assigning numerical values to letters in a person’s name and birth date.
Mulank and Bhagyank Calculation Chart
Letter | Number | Letter | Number | Letter | Number |
A | 1 | J | 1 | S | 1 |
B | 2 | K | 2 | T | 2 |
C | 3 | L | 3 | U | 3 |
D | 4 | M | 4 | V | 4 |
E | 5 | N | 5 | W | 5 |
F | 6 | O | 6 | X | 6 |
G | 7 | P | 7 | Y | 7 |
H | 8 | Q | 8 | Z | 8 |
I | 9 | R | 9 |
Mulank (Root Number) Meanings:
- Leadership, independence
- Cooperation, sensitivity
- Creativity, self-expression
- Stability, practicality
- Freedom, adaptability
- Harmony, responsibility
- Analysis, spirituality
- Authority, material success
- Humanitarianism, completion
Bhagyank (Destiny Number) Meanings:
- Individuality, pioneering
- Balance, diplomacy
- Communication, optimism
- Hard work, discipline
- Change, versatility
- Nurturing, responsibility
- Intellect, mysticism
- Power, abundance
- Compassion, artistic talents
Mulank and Bhagyank Calculation Formula
The formulas for calculating Mulank and Bhagyank are based on simple addition and reduction to a single digit:
Mulank Formula: Mulank = ((Birth Date Sum) mod 9) or 9 if the result is 0
Bhagyank Formula: Bhagyank = ((Name Number Sum) mod 9) or 9 if the result is 0
Where “mod 9” means dividing by 9 and taking the remainder.
Calculate Mulank for birth date 27/03/1992
- Sum: 2 + 7 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 33
- 3 + 3 = 6 Mulank = 6
Calculate Bhagyank for name “Sarah Jane Smith”
- S(1) + A(1) + R(9) + A(1) + H(8) + J(1) + A(1) + N(5) + E(5) + S(1) + M(4) + I(9) + T(2) + H(8) = 56
- 5 + 6 = 11
- 1 + 1 = 2 Bhagyank = 2
Best mulank and bhagyank combination
- Mulank 1 and Bhagyank 1: This combination suggests strong leadership abilities and independence. It’s considered excellent for entrepreneurs and pioneers.
- Mulank 5 and Bhagyank 8: This pairing combines adaptability with material success, potentially leading to prosperity through versatile approaches.
- Mulank 3 and Bhagyank 6: Creativity meets responsibility, indicating potential for success in arts or nurturing professions.
- Mulank 7 and Bhagyank 9: This spiritual and humanitarian combination is thought to be ideal for those pursuing philosophical or charitable endeavors.
- Mulank 4 and Bhagyank 8: Stability paired with authority can lead to success in business or management roles.