DnD 5e HP Calculator

D&D 5e HP Calculator

Select the type of hit die your character uses.
Input your character's level (minimum level is 1).
Input your character's Constitution modifier (can be negative).
The calculated base HP for your character.

A d&d 5e hp calculator is used in the popular tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition) to calculate a character’s Hit Points (HP).

HP represents a character's ability to withstand damage before being incapacitated or killed.

Let’s create a 3rd-level Fighter with a Constitution modifier of +2:

  • Base HP at 1st level: 10 (Fighter’s hit die) + 2 (Constitution modifier) = 12 HP
  • HP gained at levels 2 and 3: 2 * (6 + 2) = 16 HP (average roll of d10 is 6)
  • Total HP: 12 + 16 = 28 HP

DnD 5e HP Calculation Chart

LevelClassHit DieCon ModifierBase HPHP per LevelTotal HP

DnD 5e HP Formula

The DnD 5e HP Formula for calculating a character’s total HP is:

Total HP = (Hit Die + Con Modifier) + ((Level - 1) * (Average Hit Die Roll + Con Modifier))

Let’s apply this formula to a 5th-level Rogue with a Constitution modifier of +2:

  • Rogue’s hit die: d8
  • Base HP at 1st level: 8 + 2 = 10
  • HP gained from levels 2-5: 4 * (5 + 2) = 28 (average d8 roll is 5)
  • Total HP: 10 + 28 = 38 HP

How to calculate HP in 5e?

Calculating HP in D&D 5e involves several steps:

  • Determine the character’s class and hit die (e.g., d6 for Wizard, d8 for Rogue, d10 for Fighter, d12 for Barbarian).
  • Add the character’s Constitution modifier to the maximum value of their hit die for 1st level.
  • For each level beyond 1st, roll the hit die (or take the average) and add the Constitution modifier.

Let’s calculate HP for a 4th-level Cleric with a Constitution modifier of +3:

Cleric hit die: d8

1st level HP: 8 (max d8) + 3 (Con mod) = 11 HP

Levels 2-4: 3 * (5 + 3) = 24 HP (using average d8 roll of 5)

Total HP: 11 + 24 = 35 HP

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