F-statistic Calculator

An F-statistic calculator is used to calculate the overall significance of a regression model. It helps researchers assess whether a set of independent variables has a significant relationship with the dependent variable in a regression analysis.

F-statistic Calculation Chart

SourceSum of Squares (SS)Degrees of Freedom (df)Mean Square (MS)F-value
RegressionSSR = 1000dfR = 2MSR = 50025
ResidualSSE = 800dfE = 40MSE = 20
TotalSST = 1800dfT = 42

F-statistic Formula

The F-statistic formula is:



  • MSR = Mean Square Regression = SSR / dfR
  • MSE = Mean Square Error = SSE / dfE
  • SSR = Sum of Squares Regression
  • SSE = Sum of Squares Error
  • dfR = Degrees of Freedom Regression
  • dfE = Degrees of Freedom Error
Using our example: F = 500 / 20 = 25

This F-value of 25 suggests that the regression model explains significantly more variance than would be expected by chance alone.

How do you calculate the F-statistic?

To calculate the F-statistic, follow these steps:

  1. Perform regression analysis: Fit your model to the data
  2. Calculate SSR: Sum of squared differences between predicted and mean y values
  3. Calculate SSE: Sum of squared differences between observed and predicted y values
  4. Determine degrees of freedom: dfR = number of predictors, dfE = n – k – 1 (where n is sample size and k is number of predictors)
  5. Calculate MSR and MSE: MSR = SSR / dfR, MSE = SSE / dfE
  6. Compute F-statistic: F = MSR / MSE

Suppose you have a multiple regression model with 2 predictors and 43 observations.

After fitting the model, you find SSR = 1000 and SSE = 800

dfR = 2, dfE = 43 – 2 – 1 = 40

MSR = 1000 / 2 = 500, MSE = 800 / 40 = 20

F = 500 / 20 = 25

This F-value of 25 would then be compared to the critical F-value from an F-distribution table to determine if the regression model is statistically significant.

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