Relative Error Calculator

Enter the actual value.
Enter the measured value.

The relative error calculator is a tool used to determine the relative error of a measurement or calculation. Relative error is a measure of the accuracy of a measurement or calculation, and it is expressed as a percentage of the true or expected value.

  • Absolute Error is the difference between the measured or calculated value and the true or expected value.
  • True Value is the actual or expected value.

Relative Error Calculation Chart

Measured ValueTrue ValueAbsolute ErrorRelative Error
120.5 cm121 cm0.5 cm0.41%
12.3 g12 g0.3 g2.5%
85.2 mph84 mph1.2 mph1.43%
45.67 kg45 kg0.67 kg1.49%
19.8 liters20 liters0.2 liters1%

Relative Error Formula

The formula for calculating relative error is:

Relative Error = (Absolute Error) / (True Value) x 100

Let’s break down the formula and provide an example:

Absolute Error: The absolute error is the difference between the measured or calculated value and the true or expected value.

Example: If the measured value is 12.3 grams and the true value is 12 grams, the absolute error is 0.3 grams.

True Value: The true value is the actual or expected value against which the measured or calculated value is compared.

Example: In the previous example, the true value is 12 grams.

Relative Error: The relative error is the absolute error expressed as a percentage of the true value.

Relative Error = (Absolute Error) / (True Value) x 100
In the example, Relative Error = (0.3 grams) / (12 grams) x 100 = 2.5%

How Do You Calculate Relative Error?

To calculate the relative error, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Measured Value: This is the value you obtained through measurement or calculation.
  2. Identify the True Value: This is the actual or expected value against which the measured value is compared.
  3. Calculate the Absolute Error: The absolute error is the difference between the measured value and the true value.
    Absolute Error = |Measured Value – True Value|
  4. Calculate the Relative Error: The relative error is the absolute error expressed as a percentage of the true value.
    Relative Error = (Absolute Error) / (True Value) x 100

For example you need to measure the length of a table, and your measurement is 120.5 cm. The true length of the table is 121 cm.

Measured Value = 120.5 cm

True Value = 121 cm

Absolute Error = |120.5 cm – 121 cm| = 0.5 cm

Relative Error = (0.5 cm) / (121 cm) x 100 = 0.41%

The relative error of 0.41% means that your measurement is within 0.41% of the true value of 121 cm, which gives you an idea of the accuracy of your measurement.

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